
Ready to Launch Your Side Business?

Why Do Some Businesses Thrive While Others Don’t? The Answers Will Surprise You!

Why Your Business Isn’t Taking Off (And 5 Fixes You Need)

Ever wonder why some businesses take off while others can’t seem to get going?

I’ve been there too. Not too long ago, I was stuck in a job that drained me.

I felt exhausted, under appreciated, and frustrated.

That frustration pushed me to start my own business.

It wasn’t easy, but it was totally worth it.

Today, I’m excited to share some big lessons I’ve learned.

So, grab a coffee, get comfy, and let’s chat.

These tips might just change the way you think about your business!

5 Secrets to a Successful Business

1. Rethink the Problem You’re Solving

You’ve probably heard that a good business solves a problem, right?

But here’s the thing: the problem you think you’re solving might not be the one your customers care about.

When I started, I thought helping women with time management was the key to their success.

But after really listening to them, I realized what they needed wasn’t just a better schedule—it was more confidence and clear direction.

This “aha” moment changed everything for me.

Once I zeroed in on my audience’s true needs, my business gained momentum.

Your Next Step:

  • Take another look at the problem you’re solving.
  • Is it really what’s bothering your customers?
  • Dig a little deeper—you might find there’s something else they need more.

2. Understand What They’re Really Asking For

Getting to know your audience isn’t just about listening to what they say—it’s about understanding what they truly mean.

A lot of my audience thinks they need a super detailed, 50-page business plan.

But when I dig deeper, I realize what they’re really looking for is reassurance.

They need to know their dream is possible and that they have what it takes to make it happen.

By focusing on that need for confidence, I was able to create something that truly resonates with them.

Your Next Step: As you work on your business plan, think beyond the obvious.

What are your customers really asking for?

Sometimes, it’s the things they don’t say out loud that matter most.

3. Make an Emotional Connection

You can have the best plan in the world, but if you’re not connecting with your customers on an emotional level, you’re missing out.

When I tell women they can go “From Blank Page to Business Plan in a Weekend,” I’m not just offering a service.

I’m offering hope, excitement, and confidence.

I’m turning something that feels scary into something they can handle—and even enjoy!

That emotional connection is what turns curious visitors into loyal customers.

Your Next Step: Think about how you want your customers to feel when they interact with your business.

Are you giving them a reason to care?

Make sure your message speaks to their hearts, not just their heads.

4. Know When to Let Go

Here’s something that might surprise you: sometimes, the best thing you can do for your business is to let go of the things that aren’t working—even if you love them.

I’ve had to cut entire sections out of my workshops—parts that I was super excited about—because they just didn’t click with my clients.

It wasn’t easy, but it was necessary.

Letting go of what wasn’t working made room for what my clients actually needed.

Your Next Step: Be ready to make changes.

If something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to let it go.

Remember, your business is about helping your customers.

Being flexible will help you stay on track and grow.

5. Balance Focus and Flexibility

Success in business is all about finding the right balance between staying focused and being flexible.

Your business plan is like a roadmap—you know where you want to go, but sometimes you’ll need to take a different path.

Your Next Step: As you finish up your business plan, make sure you’re leaving some room to change course.

Be clear about your goals, but stay open to switching things up if something better comes along.

Watch Out for These Common Pitfalls

Now that we’ve talked about what makes a business thrive, let’s look at a few things that can trip you up:

1. Don’t Skip the Research

Doing your research is super important, but don’t just ask people what they want—watch what they do.

There’s often a big difference between what people say and what they actually do.

Your Next Step: Add some real-world testing to your research.

Create a small version of your product or service and see how people actually use it.

Let what you see guide your decisions.

2. Watch Out for Hidden Costs

It’s the expenses you don’t plan for that can really hurt your business.

Whether it’s the value of your time or those little software subscriptions that add up, these hidden costs can sneak up on you.

Pro Tip: Use free trials to test out tools before you commit. Not every new app is worth it. Only keep what really helps you.

Your Next Step: Make a budget that includes everything—big and small.

This will give you a clear picture of what it’s going to take to get your business off the ground.

3. Don’t Try to Do It All Yourself

Trying to handle everything on your own is exhausting and can hold your business back.

I used to think asking for help meant I wasn’t capable, but now I know it’s a sign of smart leadership.

Your Next Step: Figure out what you can delegate or get help with.

Focus on what you’re best at, and get help with the rest.

This will not only save your energy but also help your business grow.

Your Weekly Mindset Tip

It’s perfectly okay to have non-negotiables for your own mental health.

Whether it’s steering clear of social media or choosing not to take on 1:1 clients, remember that the whole point of starting your own business is to create a life that works for you.

Don’t feel pressured to do things that don’t align with your well-being—your business should serve you, not the other way around.

Your Weekly Productivity Tip

Create a “Not-To-Do” list.

This list is just as important as your to-do list.

It’s a way to identify and cut out distractions, like checking emails all day or saying yes to every request.

By knowing what to avoid, you can stay focused on what really matters and make the most of your time.

Key Takeaways:

  • Rethink the Problem: Don’t just focus on the obvious. Dig deeper to find out what your customers really need.
  • Understand What They Really Want: It’s not always about what they say—they might need reassurance and confidence more than anything.
  • Connect on an Emotional Level: A strong emotional connection turns interest into loyalty. Make sure your message really hits home.
  • Be Willing to Let Go: Sometimes, you’ve got to let go of what’s not working to make room for what your business really needs.
  • Balance Focus and Flexibility: Stay clear on your goals, but be open to changing course if something better comes along.
  • Watch Out for Common Pitfalls: Do your research, keep an eye on hidden costs, and don’t try to do everything yourself. Getting help is smart, not weak.

P.S. Ready to make these tips work for you? Join us for the next Ladies Weekend Write-In Workshop!

Spots are filling up fast, so get on the waitlist now.

This could be the weekend that takes your business from idea to unstoppable.

Don’t miss out!

Kristina Portella

From Blank Page to Business Plan in a Weekend

Website | 👩🏽‍💻Writing Workshops

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Ready to Launch Your Side Business?

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