
Side Business Secrets in Your Inbox Every Friday!

Hey girl! That side business feeling more like side stress lately? I help ambitious women push through that messy middle stage where nothing's clicking yet. Join my free Friday newsletter for practical tips and the pep talk you need!

sign up for the weekend write in chronicles

What to say when someone asks 'So what do you do?'

Welcome to Side Business Momentum! The newsletter for ambitious women ready to make the most of their weekends and build a side business—without the burnout. Not signed up yet? Click here to join! Didn’t mean to sign up? You can unsubscribe below. Okay, let’s be real. Has this ever happened to you? You’re chatting with someone—maybe a friend you haven’t seen in forever, someone at a networking event, or (eek!) a potential dream client. Then they ask THE question: “So… what do you do?” And...
join other ambitious women reading side business momentum every friday

If Selling Makes You Cringe, Read This

Welcome to Side Business Momentum! The newsletter for ambitious women ready to make the most of their weekends and build a side business—without the burnout. Not signed up yet? Click here to join! Didn’t mean to sign up? You can unsubscribe below. Be honest—when you hear the word “sales,” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? The aggressive car salesman who won’t let you leave the lot. The “Hey girl!” DM from someone you haven’t spoken to since high school. The never-ending “limited-time...
join other ambitious women reading side business momentum every friday

How to Get Paying Customers (Even If No One Knows You)

Welcome to Side Business Momentum! The newsletter for ambitious women ready to make the most of their weekends and build a side business—without the burnout. Not signed up yet? Click here to join! Didn’t mean to sign up? You can unsubscribe below. In 2016, Tori Dunlap was working a 9-to-5 marketing job, just like everyone else. No big platform. No fancy connections. Just a side hustle teaching women how to take control of their finances. She could have waited. Waited for a bigger audience....
power up your weekends with side business momentum

Feeling Scattered? This Quick Framework Will Show You Exactly What to Work On

Welcome to Side Business Momentum! The newsletter for ambitious women ready to make the most of their weekends and build a side business—without the burnout. Not signed up yet? Click here to join! Didn’t mean to sign up? You can unsubscribe below. You sit down, open your laptop, and within five minutes, you have seven tabs open. You start tweaking your idea, then scroll through advice on what to do next, then somehow end up watching a YouTube video about someone else’s six-figure business....
read the side business momentum newsletter to power up your weekends

How to Build Momentum Without Getting Distracted

Welcome to Side Business Momentum! The newsletter for ambitious women ready to make the most of their weekends and build a side business—without the burnout. Not signed up yet? Click here to join! Didn’t mean to sign up? You can unsubscribe below. Remember when you had that closet full of half-finished projects? The planner you swore you’d use daily—abandoned after two weeks. The workout routine you were so excited about—for exactly five days. The books you promised yourself you’d...
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Your Side Business Idea Didn’t Take Off? Here’s What to Do Next

Welcome to Side Business Momentum! The newsletter for ambitious women ready to make the most of their weekends and build a side business—without the burnout. Not signed up yet? Click here to join! Didn’t mean to sign up? You can unsubscribe below. Hey girlfriend. I remember the first time I tried turning my skills into a business. I spent weeks planning, putting together offers, and even running my ideas by friends. I was sure people would jump at the chance to work with me. Then I put it out...
cover image for the weekend write in chronicles

Side businesses fail for one big reason (and it’s not the plan)

Hey girlfriend, I did a thing… I changed the name of this newsletter. Again. Before you roll your eyes at me 👀, hear me out. Starting next time, this newsletter will be called Side Business Momentum. 🎉 Why? Because that’s exactly what we’re doing here—helping you make steady progress, take action, and actually build a profitable side business on your terms. No, I’m not out here rebranding every other week. 😂 But just like I teach you to start before everything is perfect and refine as you go,...
sign up for the weekend write in chronicles

How to Choose a Side Business Idea That Fits Your Life

Welcome to Side Business Momentum! The newsletter for ambitious women ready to make the most of their weekends and build a side business—without the burnout. Not signed up yet? Click here to join! Didn’t mean to sign up? You can unsubscribe below. How to Choose a Side Business Idea That Fits Your Life You’ve been dreaming about starting a side business for what feels like forever. You picture the freedom, the extra income, and the sense of accomplishment—but every time you try to figure out...

Attract Clients Who Truly Value What You Do + Free Template

Welcome to Side Business Momentum! The newsletter for ambitious women ready to make the most of their weekends and build a side business—without the burnout. Not signed up yet? Click here to join! Didn’t mean to sign up? You can unsubscribe below. Find Clients Who Get It (and Are Excited to Work with You) When I first started, I was so excited to get out there and help as many people as possible. I thought, “If I cast a wide net, I’ll reach more people, right?” But what actually happened? My...
The weekend write chronicles published every Friday

How to Finally Choose Your Best Business Idea (Free Decision Template Inside)

Welcome to Side Business Momentum! The newsletter for ambitious women ready to make the most of their weekends and build a side business—without the burnout. Not signed up yet? Click here to join! Didn’t mean to sign up? You can unsubscribe below. Struggling to Choose a Business Idea? Here’s the Fix It’s Friday again, and I know what you’re thinking: “I’ve got all these business ideas… now what?” Look, I get it. It’s easy to feel like you need to work on everything to keep all your options...

Hey girl! That side business feeling more like side stress lately? I help ambitious women push through that messy middle stage where nothing's clicking yet. Join my free Friday newsletter for practical tips and the pep talk you need!